*{Al Stewart weekend here at the Cafe, "Nostradamus", very beautiful, very inspiring]*
When I am troubled by Events of Our Times, These Dark Times of this Evil Regime, I find myelf searching History for Answers, for Lessons.....I even end up reading Nostradamus, wondering , reflecting Did HE KNOW SOMETHING, should we be listening.....should we be reflecting...thinking....The Future is in our Hands, but if we are not listening to Sage Voices of the Past, have we heard what we needed to make Needed Changes......
I think I completely wore out my Al Stewart "Year of the Cat" and "Time Passages" albums! So many moving songs, many prophetic ones, nostradamus-like. I recall reading somewhere that Nostradamas began seeing the future by watching merchant ships sailing away from shore. He said, as they sailed over the horizon, disappearing a bit at a time (because the earth is round), he could see time slipping away like a veil of fog lifting. Supposedly his famous quatrains were the result of his mind following the ships further than he could see, through the fog, kind of ... into the future!
He also listened to his own Intuitions, and his Dreams, and His inner Voice....his Conscience..he spoke the Truth when people still saw the Earth as flat....
There was more than Fog Impeding his Messege....there was Ignorance...and still .....here we are again.....I love the "players" in this video...Someone really got it right...and so did Al when he wrote this song back in in the 1970's...
Who are the wise men of this day and age and are they meant to be heard over the shouting of those with an agenda that believes the earth is indestructible and they will eventually rule it.
The wise sages of our day speak, but not to a crowd that gathers much media support or actually listens to them. Noam Chomsky is about as close to a sage of our times as i can think of yet except for a few college students who listens to him?
Mark: You are right Noam Chomsky and maybe Howard Zinn ??....I worry there are not enough thinkers...
Hello Enigma4ever and seekers,
Did someone call for a sage?
Yes, I knew something back then and I am demonstrating that I still know it now !!
If you'd like some stunning insights into what's happening with the synchronicity of the recent comet and Nostradamus' Lost Book buzz, then read the article at the following link. I demonstrate significant internal evidence from these Lost Book images that they were indeed dictated by Nostradamus and that they encode much more earthshaking revelations than so far published.
Nostradamus Lost Book Bombshells
Terminal Eyes.....
Wisdom in our troubled times?
How about Putin? With nuclear armed bombers on patrol in the Pacific. (Russia also has huge reserves of oil and gas.)
Or Hu? With over 1 trillion dollars worth of US debts.(China has immense reserves of coal and oil.)
Or Amenidijad? He has several thousand missiles pointing at American ships and troops. (Plus much oil.)
Or Chavez? Or Castro? Or the hundreds of thousands of members of the Iraqui resistance, and of course, the Taliban.
Whereas Bush has got a worn-out military and a growing sense of unrest amongst his own population.
There was an old saying, "The enemies of my enemies are somehow my friends."
Beautiful video. Nice Music.
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