Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Evening Music.....11.16.07

It is Bitter cold and windy today, with snow blowing all about. I have brewed up a nice big pot of Ginger Peach tea, and am making molasses cookies, so it smells heavenly here. I have been of course wandering in my mind to where it is warm, which automatically happens when the temperature gets near 30 degrees.( Hence the painting). I have been blogging about VETS and suicide and PTSD over at Watergate Summer, as it is an important issue with the Holidays approaching. So over here I am trying to make sure that we keep it cozy and warm. Have a good friday, Click the title it is amazing, a video by Enya, about the joy of falling into Paintings, called "Carribean Blue". Namaste.


Granny said...

I have almost everything she's done on cd but nothing on video. That is beautiful.

I spent the last 30 minutes or so browsing through the collection. If you go back to that site, take a look at the video of Orinoco Flow. It's just as lovely.

Thanks for directing me there and have a restful weekend.

enigma4ever said...

You take care Granny...I know she has beautiful videos....and I spent quite a time trying to figure out which one to put up...they all are beautiful.....

D.K. Raed said...

Enya is lovely for a Friday night & it goes with the Butterfly Woman down below, too. Thanks!

oooh-oooh, Ginger Peach Tea? Aaaah, let me sink into one of those couches & savor it.

enigma4ever said...

make yourself is a good night for tea....and maybe some pumpkin bread...