Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday Night Music 1.19.08

Ever have that moment where you meet another creature and you both surprise each other, catch each other completely off guard ? And for that one moment you both trust each other and are able to look each other in the eye ? Trust is a fragile thing, and so is faith, and you can not have one without the other. The Election process is actually amazing, because after all that we have been would think people would be more reluctant to trust, but instead they are wanting to trust again...that is something....Amazing.

But for Trust to be rebuilt, there is one other piece that must be in place. The ability to move forward, to not be stuck in the pain and angst of these past seven years....

I have added the song Landslide to the Title, click it, it is a beautiful video. There is a moment in this video where Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks really look at each other, it is a moment of great tenderness and Forgiveness. For those of us that have watched them and listened to them for many years, it was very was the moment that they really moved forward....forward enough to Make Music together....again. But she sings about Change, and Changes that we go through, and the song is also about Healing, and how the Changes don't just happen, until there has been some healing, it is a hard lesson as we get older......But the Changes Come....and what we do with Changes and how we embrace them is What Matters.

*{ Click the title : Fleetwood Mac + "Landslide" )*


Jo said...

I absolutely love that song. I love anything by Fleetwood Mac.

Gosh, yes, healing can come out of change. My mother used to use a gardening term, "Cut away the dead wood." Sometimes that's what folks have to do. Cut away the dead wood. Then the healing can begin. We all go through changes in our lives, and have to learn to move past the pain. But there is always healing at the other side.

Fran said...

Nice Vid- that is one of my favorite FM songs. I am sure ready for change, but this process we have sure is messed up. I was lookng at all of the $ all the candidates are spending on this process. There has got to be a better way.

WeezieLou said...

beautiful video. hadn't heard fleetwood mac in a long time - this reminds how wonderful they are.

cutting away the dead wood is good. we accumulate things and people along the way who might weigh us down. it's always a good thing to be reflective, to take inventory, to move along the path...........

Cartledge said...

As a cricket tragic I’m often criticised because I believe the way the game is played, the skills and deportment of players, is far more important than a win/lose result. Watching the primaries race, a less than edifying performance, I can still see healing coming from Obama, win or lose. If nothing else this is a soapbox for some incredibly important messages.
I doubt the US political establishment is ready for a post-partisan approach, but America is still ready to hear his overall message. If Clinton succeeds she will go forward with some heavy baggage, expectations created by Obama.
They also serve…
My connection is too slow today for the vid :(