Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday Night Music and Thoughts....The Wait

[ Click the Title + "The Weight" by The Band]
Here by Lake Erie we still have mounds of snow and ice and Bitter Cold.We are in the midst of the Primary Battle,so I am more than distracted.....Even with my battered hip I am working hard, and sadly the Blogs have been a bit neglected. My Apologies.
( I am blogging about my bashed hip next week, I am still too angry to write anything that is palatable.)

I have Posted the Song "The Weight". The Funny thing in the 70's when I first heard The Band I thought the song was called THE WAIT.....I really did think it was all about Waiting....I feel like we are in the Middle of the Big Wait right now....and in a way it is a Weight also....

Have a good Friday Night, share the Coco and the whipped cream and snuggle.....

( New Post about Dr.Charles Drew will be up this weekend for Black History Month )


Jo said...

Enigma, the cocoa and the whipped cream and the snuggle sound pretty good. All things the doctor ordered.

Speaking of which, take care of your hip.

And don't forget, there is a job in Canada for you, if worst comes to worst.

Leslie: said...

That is a beautiful photo! Did you take It? I didn't realise you'd bashed your hip...hope you're okay!