Sunday, June 29, 2008

After the Storms.....Saturday Night.....

Courage is not the lack of fear. It is acting in spite of it.
-- Mark Twain.

And now for some Moody Blues......

Friday, June 27, 2008

After the Rain.....

I believe in angels...partly because I have lost alot of friends...and I like to think that part of them is still here...and then I also believe that there are angels amongst us....I was out in my shambles of a beat up little garden earlier today..and yet it looked tidier, and I was struck that the chipmunks have been tidying or maybe there are angels....or maybe it was just the rain that made it look that way.

Duran Duran....Save a Prayer

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Walking and Watching.....

So I was walking home from the store...and there was this little girl of about 8, holding hands with her dad...
and singing and skipping..and he was just humming...and then a bassatt yodeled out the window...
and so the little girl started singing Elvis's Hound Dog song to the bassatt...and the dad was laughing...
and they were so in the Moment....

I smiled the rest of the way home....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday Night Late....Shaking the Tree.....


God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools. ~John Muir

I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do. ~Willa Cather, 1913

Peter Gabriel Sings about Change Coming.....

Rest In Peace George....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday Evening....and a Moment of Zen....

Ever fallen in love with a tree....this cypress has totally won my heart....It is noble, alone, strong....beautiful.....

In my tv room, I have a painting I did....and on the bottem of it I painted in Japanese Caligraphy...
"He who has Integrity is never alone "....
( I need to find the Japanese translation for you..)

anyways...this Tree on the California Coast always reminds me of that phrase....

And now for your moment of Zen......namaste.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saturday Night Thoughts....6.14.08

"Tears are like rain , they loosen up our soil so we can grow in different directions" Virginia Casey

The Princess....Xena...she came with her name, she was being abandoned in the NW, and I offered to take her many years ago...she used to come to it, when I would call it...She was practically ferral when we got her...nasty....she would sit on the Beat Up RumRunner in the Alley, the one that I got my Ex- for his birthday, I bought it for a sixpack of beer...convinced that he and I could fix up this 1920's Old Wooden Boat....Xena loved it...she would sit on top of it....and growl and his at Everything and everyone that roamed the alley....then she would come around to the Front Porch where I had Tweety our little Budgie hanging on the Front porch Hook, next to the climbing roses and the Wysteria and the Clematis....Somehow Xena loved this little bird, and she would sleep under his hanging perch...and smile up at him....She has been with us all these years and many moves and car rides....and now she is old....Fragile.

And there are days she does not eat and none of us can go near her....
3 nights ago she practically bit my hand off, thinking it was Something Evil I am sure....even though I was sound asleep.
I am not sure of what happened...really....
Poor Thing...

I had to write this...she is breaking my ol'heart...My Princess.

"Year of the Cat" Live Version....

Monday, June 09, 2008


There is nothing better than Clothes hung on the Line...
it smells so good....
especially if there is warm sun...
and a nice breeze....
I did realize this weekend...
that Fabric Softener really has to be added..
otherwise the towels are too stiff...
but the sheets are ever so crisp...
and Cool....

As the laundry , the sheets and towels waver in the breeze....
they always remind me of Prayer Flags....
sending prayers to Heaven...
Tonight's Music....Oleta Adama " Get Here"....

Thursday, June 05, 2008


After a really Stormy Spring....the sun does come out....and we can feel it...
The two videos below are Dan Fogelberg...beautiful , soothing....a bit of Friday Gift.
( I have been blogging alot over at Watergate Summer, so I am a bit blogged out).