Saturday, April 23, 2011

Almost Spring....Smile Sneakers, Snickerdoodles, and ?

The Spring Moon....

Seeking order, control.....

20 Pound Wonder asleep in the "Dick Van Dyke " chair....

Lilly waiting for a walkie...

Curbside treasures, and some order

Ice Alley

The world's best SnickerDoodles...

The Memory Quilt for 6-6...

Pumpkin Curry Soup

Smile walk even 5 minutes on the treadmill.....
It was a very long miserable winter, I did my best to cope with it and to make Peace with it and with my own body, but it was too long and I can not begin to explain how grateful I am to see a mere bud of a crocus.I did what I could to make it go faster, painting Treadmill Sneakers, admiring the Ice Alley, trying to create some order, appreciating the warm loving critters in my life.But I know I am desperate for Spring at this point. Grateful for Rains....hungering for warmth and Sun. I need to feel Hope running through my veins again...

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